Sunday, January 14, 2007

a flash of light

i have fireworks in my brain. one after another they explode in my mind. i'm reeling from the sensory overload. this past week has been... 'woah'-inducing. so how now brown cow? i honestly don't know...

so christmas has come and gone. i must say that the silver wedding anniversary was quite cool =) i wonder if i'll ever hit that mark. i must say that my parents have indeed set a very good example and i'll always grateful to them and for that. the christmas break wasn't much of a rest thought. 15 people all crammed into one apartment!

i guess pink is still the default wedding related colour =P

fast-forward >>

2 weeks of break... 2 weeks of school = 1 roller-coaster ride.

i think my language skills are deteriorating. i'm using math to describe incidents..! eek.

the doulos reached manila on the fourth of january! it's been a pretty exciting week. visited the ship so many times.. brought friends and family. it certainly brings back memories. coincidentally.. one of the other singaporean STEPers sent an email to us. it's been a year since we've left the ship. wow.

i love fireworks =) it's my chemical romance. heh. the crowd around oohing and aahing at the splashes of light on the dark canvas. you can just stand there.. watch... and forget for while.
they held the pyro-olympics in philippines over the past coupla weekends. yet somehow, such an extravagent display of pyro-technics only served to light up the disparity between the haves and have-nots. but looking at such a pretty palatte of colors, i know deep down that i hope they never stop putting up such displays.
i want to be like them.. especially those that explode white-purple and leave a trail of faery dust.

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